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HIGH 5 HOMEGIRL is a Denver, CO based production company dedicated to producing and developing ideas big and small. Whether it's music, lifestyle, travel, animation or live television, H5H has the creative talent that delivers. Emmy nominated producer and director, Stephen Stormer, started H5H to pay homage to his late brother.

This is the STORY...  
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Everybody knew my brother as this big tough football coach, but in reality... he was a shy guy.
We lived together in Los Angeles, and after all the time I spent with him, I never saw him talk to a woman one single time.

So, one night, we were out at a bar having drinks because he was moving back to Colorado in a few days, and I told him whoever the next woman that walks by matter what...just lean over and say Hi or start a conversation.
Doesn't matter who it is, just do it. 

An unsuspecting woman from across the bar gets up, and as she's walking by, right before he misses his opportunity, my brother put his hand up and said
"High 5 Homegirl!!!!"

Needless to say, he went home alone that night.

From that point on, my friends and I always called him High 5 Homegirl and would tease him constantly. 

Fast forward to my brother near the end of his battle with ALS. In his last few moments, he told me to leave my current job at a production company and follow my dream to branch out on my own. I promised him, that if I did, and started my own production company, I would name it High 5 Homegirl

This is for you, brother. 



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